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If Your Child Is Hitting, Try This Teaching

If Your Child Is Hitting, Try This Teaching

As soon as you see your child engage in unacceptable behavior - like hitting another child at playgroup or on the playground - connect immediately. How to connect Get down on her level Stay calm (try a deep breath or two if needed) Look her in the eye. Hold her arm that hit - firmly but gently. Say "I won't let you hit." while looking directly into her eye.  (Source: Janet Lansbury) It's "teaching", not "embarrassing" The key is addressing the behavior immediately in a calm and authoritative manner. Talk only to your child.  By getting down on her level, you speak to her only.   When...

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Why Noise Keeps Your Child From Learning And How To Fix It

learning robert cialdini

Why Noise Keeps Your Child From Learning And How To Fix It

Did you know too much noise hinders your child's ability to learn? In Dr. Robert Cialdini's Pre-suasion, he cites several studies demonstrating how children learn less - lower reading ability, for example - in noisy classrooms. What do we mean by "noise"?Noise = loud road traffic outside the classroom loud airplane traffic AND lots of busy posters/distractions on walls in the classroom. What does noise do to learning? Studies show that only ~20% of children in noisy classrooms learned to read.   When the noise was eliminated in these same classrooms, ~80% of the children learned to read. What can you do? Be aware of the noise...

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Why Is Parenting Hard?

parenting postpartum anxiety postpartum depression

Why Is Parenting Hard?

' Dear Mama, Parenting can be so hard.  I strongly believe the major reason parenting seems so hard today in the modern world is because of the nature of our living accommodations.  Humans - for survival reasons - are meant to live in clans.  We are social creatures.   When we have babies, we evolved to have family and community around us.  Maternal mortality was (and still is in the developing world) very high in natural childbirth.  Often, the community (the clan) would need to help raise the motherless baby.  The proverb "it takes a village", while origins are debated,...

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What Are Parenting Styles?

What Are Parenting Styles?

Definition: Parenting styles = how parents (1) respond and (2) demand to their children. (Wikipedia) Parenting Types Include:   Easy Going Indulgent Authoritative/Supportive  Authoritarian/Strict Harsh Parenting Style Winner? Based on science - it's authoritative/supportive parenting. Why is Authoritative/Supportive Parenting The Winner? Children whose parents use authoritative/supportive parenting styles enjoy the following characteristics later in life: high salaries academic success less stress have high social skills high levels of happiness  Key Authoritative/Supportive Parenting Characteristics: High Interest shown in your child High Trust in your child Clear Consistent Limits/Rules, allow freedom to explore/create within these boundaries High Independence given to your child Lots of...

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6 Key Characteristics Of Successful Parenting

authoritative parenting parenting supportive parenting

6 Key Characteristics Of Successful Parenting

Authoritative and Supportive Parenting Over the last 15 years, scientific studies prove that Authoritative and Supportive parenting creates the most successful children - emotionally and financially. 6 Key Authoritative/Supportive Parenting Characteristics High Interest shown in your child High Trust in your child Clear Consistent Limits/Rules, allow freedom to explore/create within these boundaries High Independence given to your child Lots of time spent with your child  Consistent/measured punishments (NEVER violent) OR allow the consequences to happen/discuss them with your child Sources: Kobe University's Study and Wikipedia  

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