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Join Us! The Parenting Journal Weekday Email Examples

Making it easier to be a better parent in today's busy busy world. 
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Are you a busy parent? I know. I'm one too, a mom of 3.  This is why I've created The Parenting Journal.  It's for you, a busy parent ;) Based on science. No fluff. Quick to read. It's fun too!

Here are email examples:

Your Child: Dealing With Negative Emotions Your Child

Negative feelings? Like anger, shame, envy, etc.
=> part of the human condition

"ALL feelings are OK" BUT there are "productive ways" to cope with them.

When your child is upset, try these 4 steps:

  1. Get down on her level
  2. "Ask your child to stop and take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth"
  3. Then ask your child to "count to five"
  4. Practice makes perfect

Goal: Guide your child to "express her feelings in a helpful and appropriate way".

Sources: Harvard's Making Caring Common Project and Amy Joyce for The Washington Post

dealing with negative emotions

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Your Child: How's Your Day?

Want to know about your child's day?
sharing your day first ==> model how to do it ==> your child will be more likely to want to share info on his/her day in return

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a software developer, a cashier, a blogger, a doctor, a bus driver or a stay-at-home parent, because it’s not about the minutiae of the work.

It’s about sharing what makes us laugh and what bores us, the mistakes we make and what is hard for us, the interesting people we meet.

When I model this for my daughter, she is more willing to share the same with me."

Source: Sara Ackerman


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