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News — postpartum depression

Why Chrissy Teigen's Essay on Postpartum Depression Matters

chrissy teigen postpartum depression

Why Chrissy Teigen's Essay on Postpartum Depression Matters

Gorgeous, clever Chrissy Teigen shares her personal battle with postpartum depression in Glamour Magazine's April edition.   It is well-written and empowering.  It gives a voice to a sensitive, scary subject and it educates on some of the many ways we know today that Postpartum Depression manifests.  Like so many women's health issues - (i.e. polycystic ovaries and breastfeeding) - we have a lot to learn about postpartum depression.   A friend of mine said the other day, "If we only had more women leaders in these research fields, we would know so much more about breast milk, fertility, and women's mental health." ...

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Why Is Parenting Hard?

parenting postpartum anxiety postpartum depression

Why Is Parenting Hard?

' Dear Mama, Parenting can be so hard.  I strongly believe the major reason parenting seems so hard today in the modern world is because of the nature of our living accommodations.  Humans - for survival reasons - are meant to live in clans.  We are social creatures.   When we have babies, we evolved to have family and community around us.  Maternal mortality was (and still is in the developing world) very high in natural childbirth.  Often, the community (the clan) would need to help raise the motherless baby.  The proverb "it takes a village", while origins are debated,...

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