This Week's Top Facebook Posts
1. On Managing Negative Feelings How to guide children in managing destructive and negative feelings? "Why? Often the ability to care for others is overwhelmed by anger, shame, envy, or other negative feelings. How? We need to teach children that all feelings are okay, but some ways of dealing with them are not helpful. Children need our help learning to cope with these feelings in productive ways.Try thisHere’s a simple way to teach your kids to calm down: ask your child to stop, take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth, and count to five. Practice...
6 Essential Nutrients For Your Child's Brain And The Super Foods That Have Them
There are 6 essential nutrients for brain development. The 6 nutrients are (1) Taurine, (2) Magnesium, (3) Zinc, (4) B12, (5) Iodine and (6) Poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Super Foods For Your Child's Brain We researched foods that contain these nutrients and found that there are certain foods that carry significant amounts of many of these 6 essential nutrients. These are the ten super foods for your child's brain. Mackerel and Salmon are oily fish that contain 50% of the essential nutrients for your child's brain Fish Salmon (contains Taurine, B12 and Poly-unsaturated fatty acids) Mackerel (contains Magnesium, B12, and Poly-unsaturated...
Why Chrissy Teigen's Essay on Postpartum Depression Matters
chrissy teigen postpartum depression
Gorgeous, clever Chrissy Teigen shares her personal battle with postpartum depression in Glamour Magazine's April edition. It is well-written and empowering. It gives a voice to a sensitive, scary subject and it educates on some of the many ways we know today that Postpartum Depression manifests. Like so many women's health issues - (i.e. polycystic ovaries and breastfeeding) - we have a lot to learn about postpartum depression. A friend of mine said the other day, "If we only had more women leaders in these research fields, we would know so much more about breast milk, fertility, and women's mental health." ...
4 Ways To Teach Counting To Your Kids So They Are Smarter
Visual ways of learning numbers teach your child to understand that numbers equal quantities. For example, the number 5 = 5 things. It also helps your child understand magnitude. For example, 10 apples means "more apples" than 3 apples, and subsequently 10 is greater than 3. Below are four ways to teach numbers visually that you can use in your everyday life. 1. Count At The Grocery Store ask you child to get 2 applies ask your child to count the number of onions in your cart ask your child to count how many items are in your cart while you are...
Why Teaching Numbers This Way Makes Your Kids Smarter And How To Do It
Teaching math is easier than you think. It can be as easy as counting on your fingers. Science shows that children who count on their fingers are better at mathematics. This study reviewed in the Wall Street Journal demonstrates that counting on fingers provides a solid foundation to mathematics and leads, as renowned researcher Brian Butterworth proclaims, to children having normal representation of numbers in their brain. Why Does Finger Counting Matter? Research suggests that finger counting helps a child visualize numbers. When a child is able to visually conceptualize numbers' quantity, the child thinks about numbers in a more comprehensive manner. This means that...